Vorachet Jaroensawas

I am a Professional Systems and Software Engineer (B.Eng Electronic Engineering, M.Sc Software Engineering) in the Model-Based Systems Engineering (MBSE) Consulting and Training Service of the NORASI Team in Thailand.

Work Interests

My main area of work interest is model-based systems and software engineering. I have delivered several MBSE training projects at defense and public organizations in Thailand. Beyond the main work, I have active work interests in the development digital thread solutions and MBSE work systems including competency, tooled SOPs and KPIs.


My email address is vorachet@norasi-team.com My work phone number is +66-9-2432-0553. My resume can be found here


For any publicity-related needs, please feel free to use the bio below, and this photo

Vorachet Jaroensawas is a Professional Systems and Software Engineer (OCSMP) specializing in Model-Based Systems Engineering (MBSE) in Thailand. He is an Active Member of National Defense Industrial Association NDIA ID 1590773, Active Member of the Association for the Advancement of Cost Engineering AACE ID 446758, Active Member of the International Council of Systems Engineering INCOSE ID 42112 and Active Member of the Council of Engineers, Thailand ID 338500. He is the OBEO and Astah Official Thailand Partner, providing consulting and training services in MBSE. His main area of work interest is MBSE, focusing on defense applications. Beyond his primary work, he also has active interests in MBSE work systems, including competency frameworks, tooled SOPs, and KPIs for digital engineering.

NORASI Team: Email: mbse@norasi-team.com Phone: +66-9-2432-0553.